Toy Story: Prep Inquiry – Our curriculum is International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Program (PYP). Take a look!

My school has recently completed pre-autorisation for the  (IB).  Our curriculum is developed using the IB-Primary Years Program (PYP) framework. Our present Inquiry is outlined below:

Transdisciplary Theme

How the world works

Central Idea

  • Toys have changed over time due to technology

Lines of Inquiry

  • Toys are made of a variety of materials
  • Technology has changed toys over time

Learner Profile

  • Open Minded


  • Creativity
  • Curiosity

Key Concepts

  • Function
  • Change

The children have been completing their own Toy Design Brief. Using their brief they are making a prototype of their toy. I’ve included pictures to show their work. We’ve had some very industrious sessions. The children have loved making their prototype. Please ignore the Christmas table covers; I use them all year round. So what does a Prep classroom look like in Australia? Take a look!

The foam was wonderful. It actually looked liked it had been snowing by the end of this session. Very Exciting! The children are now preparing their color swatch which will be included in their brief. They’ll be painting and ‘glitzing’ this week in preparation for our TOY EXPO. The whole school community is invited to attend the Toy Expo. Parents and children are asked to donate a gold coin which is donated to the Salvation Army to help provide toys for children in need. These young children understand this. The school community are asked to question the children about their toy… and admire of course. I’ll post some finished toys soon.

As part of our inquiry, parents and grandparents were invited to share a toy from their childhood at our Toy Talk. It always amazes me how supportive our community is.  Here’s a few pictures of some toys brought in and explained by our visitors. Each toy has a personal history, which links beautifully with one of our previous inquiries.

Only one more week until our Term 3 holidays (2 weeks). The year is flying! For my international readers, in Australia, we have a four term year. Each term is roughly 10/11 weeks. We start in late January/ beginning February and finish mid December for our Summer holidays.

Cheers Nina


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5 responses to “Toy Story: Prep Inquiry – Our curriculum is International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Program (PYP). Take a look!

  1. Sophie Fava

    Would it be possible to have a look at your plan? We are teaching this unit in our school for the first time and would love to have a look at some successful units from other school.
    Thank you 🙂

  2. Dan

    Hi Nina,

    I’ve got mostly children who are just 4 yrsold, with a few 3’s and a couple will 5 in the new year.

    I am new to the PYP but have taught Early Years (FOundation stage – UK) for 3 years now… so still a relative novice!!!

    Am still struggling with appropriate learning goals for my older/ more ready children. I love the concept driven approach of the PYP but find myself still falling back on FS early learning goals to give me an idea of where we should be heading…
    We use the UOI as our scaffold for learning but I’ve found that these younger ch do tend to have their own agenda in terms what/how they are learning so I do tend to let the children guide me, through their own experiences/ideas/provocations as well.

    Have waffled quite enough… not even answered the question. Need to get my own blog instead of hijacking yours!

    Thanks agian for the blog. Really useful.


  3. danfahynisc

    Hi Nina,
    This looks fantastic! I also enjoy the “busyniess”.
    How old are your children…? I teach 3-5 year olds at a pre-authorisation PYP school overseas, but we call them Early learning. Is prep the Same?
    I look forward to trawling through more of your blog.


    • nina davis

      Thanks for leaving a comment, and I’m sorry its taken so long to get back. I teach Prep. At the beginning of the year, my students will be mainly 5 years old, with a few 4 year olds making up the group. My students are now (end of year) 5 and 6 years old. Quite a range in age at the beginning of the school year, but I don’t notice this now. They all seem so grown up. Their first year of school ends in one week.
      You have a very big range, as 3 year olds are very different to 5 year olds. What are the learning expectations for your five year olds? I’d love to know. I also love the busyness of this age group. Once again thanks for commenting.
      Cheers Nina

  4. Hi Nina

    I love the “busyness” of your Prep classroom – it is a wonderful example of “learning is messy”!!

    Our Preps love this unit too and it is amazing how creative and inventive Preps are when they design and make their toy.

    I’ll look forward to photos from your Toy Expo – Good luck!

    Enjoy your holiday break when it arrives…

    Kim 🙂

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