Week 1: What I Know for Sure… random thoughts about schools, teaching and learning!

This year I was given a book to read by a class grandparent after a quick chat. It was What I Know For Sure by Oprah Winfrey. This book has inspired me to write a series of posts on what I know for sure about schools and teaching!


As I morph into one of those older (experienced sounds better) teachers… and I’m not even sure how that happened, I can reflect on many years and share a few things I know for sure…

1. Everything is about the students. Schools exist for kids, not for the people who work in them. If a decision is being made that isn’t about improving teaching and learning, then its using time that should be about the students!

2. Teachers must to be team players. Difficult with a career structure that is ultimately competitive! And it is!

3. Some of our best teachers are never recognized! I recognize them…

4. We’re all learners… if you think you know it all, maybe I would suggest a new career.

5. Not all leaders should be leaders… challenge me on that statement!

6. It’s important to encourage others and a few words is often enough. I hope I do!

7. Every student deserves the highest quality teaching and learning program we can offer.

8. Don’t ‘dumb down’ learning for anyone and that includes teachers. If you ‘dumb down’ learning for teachers, you ‘dumb down’ programs for students! One day I’ll explain this…

9. Value each student, recognize the potential in all students and promote each student. Look for and find the best in all!

10. What does each student wish you knew about them. Find out!

This week I’ll be looking for my next 10 things I know for sure

Cheers Nina


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3 responses to “Week 1: What I Know for Sure… random thoughts about schools, teaching and learning!

  1. You’ve inspired me to have a go at writing a similar post – something to re-ground me. All the other ‘stuff’ can so easily cloud our work, it’s so important to hold on to what we know, the things that spur us on and don’t waver despite testing times and pressures from all around.

    • nina davis

      Firstly, thanks for leaving your thoughts! Sometimes it’s great to reflect on what you know for sure about what we do. It’s taken me years to know that my efforts must go into the students and not the stuff that consumes time but doesn’t have a direct impact on their learning, which includes social and emotional. Does this impact your career? The answer is yes… but that’s ok. One day I’ll explain this. Our leadership structure in Australia doesn’t focus on, or reward classroom teachers.
      Cheers Nina

  2. Georgie

    Thanks Nina. I always love reading your blog and this entry was no exception.

    Your beliefs about education, teaching and learning really resonate with me. I have changed enormously since beginning my teaching career. The more I read, learn, reflect on and change makes me a better and better teacher but also a better person. The more I have improved at my craft the better I have become at relating to my co-workers, my students, their families and my own family.

    I guess the one thing I know about teaching is that talk is fine but actions are what matters. There is lots of talking in education, but actions are the only thing that will improve the outcomes for our students. Teachers need to use their time wisely, don’t waste it on the wrong stuff, time is precious and time spent being effective can make an enormous difference to student outcomes and work/life balance. Cheers 😀

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