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2012 in review

2012: Me, teacher, constructivist, learner – another year on!

Writing my first post for the year is something I enjoy. This blog is where I reflect on my teaching and learning, share resources and thank people. I was once told that a full plate is far better than an empty plate. My plate has certainly been filled to maximum in 2012… possibly ‘more than I could chew!’

I’ve learnt an enormous amount about myself, people and leadership. The Leading Teacher role combined with a classroom teacher is challenging. Balance is not easy to achieve and those who have held this position would certainly understand. Challenge is positive!

2012 was my year to really understand Bloom’s Taxonomy and Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development and to use this knowledge to plan a differentiated program for my students. I recommend all to view the following YouTube and if you’re struggling with either you’ll find this presentation excellent. Did I achieve this? I’m still learning is my answer…

In Australia (Victoria) our students have 13 years of formal education (P-6: Primary & 7-12: Secondary). Students attend pre-school or Early Learning Programs before starting school. One thing I have focused on in 2012 is making sure my students consolidate meaning when reading. Children are eager to read harder text. Losing meaning results if fluency isn’t maintained for most children. Ensuring children are working in their ZPD when learning to read is crucial as is fluently reading and enjoying an independent text. Balance is the key.

I will be exploring teaching strategies in 2013 and reflecting here. It’ll be interesting to write about the two years after prep and see where I can take this age group. I’ll also be focusing and writing about teaching mathematics.

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

4,329 films were submitted to the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. This blog had 44,000 views in 2012. If each view were a film, this blog would power 10 Film Festivals

Click here to see the complete report.

Happy New Year to all!

Cheers Nina

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My new role for 2013: Year 1 & 2 ( 5,6,7 &8 Year Olds)

It’s the final week of the Australian (Victoria) school year and I’ve nearly completed my fifth year of teaching Prep (5 & 6 year olds). I’ve loved each year.

In 2013, I’ll be teaching a Year 1/2 class (6,7 & 8 year olds). I’ve taught this age group many times and I’ll be sharing their learning journey here in MY space. I’m also keen to trial and write about new teaching products so please contact me on the email provided to discuss this.

Cheers Nina

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McEwing Partners @ Mornington & Mount Eliza,Victoria AUSTRALIA: Rob Ferguson – Agent

I haven’t been as active here as I should have! Selling and moving are huge things to tack onto the work House sale 002day. The upside is I’ve swapped the pool for the beach. You may think that would be a shame given it’s summer in Australia, but the up-keep of a pool, even a self-cleaning pool takes a ‘whacking’ chunk out of your life.

I’d like to use my blog to thank a number of people. Firstly, a big thank you to Rob Ferguson  for his patience, humour and diligence in finding the right buyer for my property. As a skier, Rob had to work around my ski trips which only a skier would understand.

It’s a hard market at the moment in Australia, but Rob did a commendable job and I am thanking him here.

Rob is aware that everyone’s Robsituation is different. He understands the importance of listening and being sensitive to the individual needs of each client, which is why he likes to gain a thorough understanding of what they want to achieve, before making the most appropriate recommendations. Courtesy and careful consideration are paramount when providing advice to clients buying and selling real estate.

Rob’s refreshing approach breaks the industry stereotype with down-to-earth honest and practical advice to make the entire real estate experience as stress free and rewarding as possible. He believes his ongoing success can only continue by providing superlative service to his clients who keep coming back, and refer friends and family.

Rob is able to maintain his high level of energy and dedication because he loves seeing the smiles on his client’s faces when their real estate transaction is concluded. He is equally passionate about the Peninsula where he has lived for the past 7 years with his wife, and two children who attend school locally, and as a family enjoy many aspects of our seaside community.

By working with Rob you can feel confident that he will have your best interests at heart, and will utilize his extensive experience and supreme negotiating skills to gain the best possible outcome for you. (McEwing Property Partners)

Another company I must thank is Andersons Removals. Moving day is stressful enough and the removal company guys were a great team and even helped out our new neighbour. Well, I know who’ll get the business when our neighbors move next time.

Cheers Nina

New House and Christmas 038New House and Christmas 039

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Christmas Ideas 2012

We have a wonderful Visual Art program at my school. Each year the children across the school make items for the school Christmas window. We also plan and make Christmas objects in our classrooms. The theme for this year’s window was ‘Natural’. Here are the items made by our Prep students. Just beautiful!

Christmas and December 2012 006

Christmas and December 2012 002

Cheers Nina

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Using a plan to support Prep (5&6 Year Olds) children writing a descriptive piece…

My students have been learning how to write a description using the PM Writing Big Book genre format. Focusing on making a plan with key words and ideas supported my Preps to maintain a content structure.

Their first attempt involved choosing something personal and familiar to them. They then drew a diagram/picture and labelled key parts and used key words which would support them when writing their text. This was their first attempt and therefore a baseline assessment.

Having completed their own attempt I planned to share making a description plan with my students. We chose Sharks and used pictures and diagrams to locate the vocabulary they would need. Each student completed their own copy of the shark description plan.

Today my students used their plans to write a descriptive piece about sharks. Constructing a good quality plan scaffolds student’s writing and enablesthem to write an expanded quality text.

Cheers Nina

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Where can I purchase this? The Question Beach Ball…

I was recently part of an Instructional Round at a local school and I saw this question beach ball. I have question dice which are great, but I can see the children playing Silent Ball with the Question Beach Ball. If you know where I can purchase the beach ball could you please let me know.

Cheers Nina


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Loving these: Can’t wait to get my hands on them… PM Sounds In Words

The PM Sounds in Words – will love using these…

The PM Sounds in Words series explores phonological awareness in a meaningful context, in a PM context. It enables children to become aware of the sounds made by many regular letter patterns that can be found in high frequency and interest words. The series enables children to hear the sounds, say the sounds, read the sounds and write the sounds. There are four PM Sounds in Words sets; each set comprises 10 Little Books and 1 Big Book with IWB software. Cengage – Nelson

We’ve recently purchased a set of the PM Sounds in Words Big Books and I’m looking forward to using them to support my classroom program. I’m a huge fan of PM and have written many times about the PM Writing Genre Big Books. I’ll be writing about how I use these in my classroom in future posts. If you’re looking for further information contact Christine Manns for expert advice.

Cheers Nina

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Partner Interactive Writing – We all have personal histories. Our excursion to the Immigration Museum Melbourne…

My Preps as part of our inquiry into personal history visited the Immigration Museum in Melbourne. The Immigration Museum has excellent programs designed for all age groups. The children learnt about Cook who travelled to Australia in a boat from Vietnam. They learnt about refugees and the hardships they faced. Understanding what a refugee is seems a big concept for 5 and 6 year old children; however, I’m always surprised by the level of understanding they have.

The children love Student Led Interactive Writing and for this activity I selected Partner Interactive Writing. Working in pairs the children could be heard rehearsing their text, using tool cards (alphabet and THRASS cards) to support spelling, manipulating spacers when required to ensure spaces between words, re-reading – correcting and discussing what they had learnt.

One of our school staff has applied to become an Australian citizen. The staff member spoke to the children about what she has had to do to become a citizen. The children were able to explain the difference between applying to be a citizen in Australia and being a refugee. The children completed our inquiry last week.

Cheers Nina

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A Teacher: Australian Ski Mountain Review: Something different – School Holidays in Australia!

My blog has established a strong readership base and this has surprised me. It’s where I reflect on my teaching. I receive numerous emails, far more than comments from all over the world and respond to each as I can. Teaching has no borders… My blog supports ‘newbie’ teachers often overwhelmed in their first year and looking for guidance and support. There are university students looking for ‘real’ explanations of the ‘how’ not the ‘what’ of teaching and learning which they struggle with and the experienced educators discussing and sharing pedagogy. It’s also where I share, review and recognise people or places I have been. So what have I been up to this Winter and Spring?

The Teacher who loves to ski:

Our Australian winter has provided incredible snow on our mountains and I’m grateful to live near the beach but also relatively close to the ski fields. This season I have skied Mount Buller, Mount Hotham (Victoria), Thredbo and Perisher (New South Wales). Many of my colleagues are skiers and boarders and the ‘word of mouth’ recommendations are strongly made and listened to. We skiers will fall in love with mountain and can be blindsided… but this year has changed my view of ski resorts for a number of reasons. I’ll share my reasons in another post.

I’ve revisited some mountains and experienced two new mountains this year. I’m also at a stage of life where I can look overseas and this is really appealing! Let’s face it the timing of our Victorian / Australian school holidays doesn’t support skiing in Australia. So now there are real opportunities for Australian teachers to spend their ski dollars overseas. Japan, Europe and America await and the deals are incredible… What does this mean for the Australian ski fields? It means our Australian resorts need to have improvement strategies in place, gather and act on feedback, listen to their skiers and boarders and offer value for the dollar. Hey, $5 dollars is ridiculous for a jam donut!

I’ve already written a post about Thredbo! What a mountain and I remain impressed. No resort is cheap and Australian skiers have to except this due to the shortness of our ski season, but I’m now starting to compare Australian prices with deals being offered overseas.

Another mountain I’ve revisited many times this year is Mount Buller. Despite the disappointing early start to the Buller ski season… Mount Buller has impressed me in many ways. Absolutely love the B-tag. Being able to pay for my day tickets on line and avoid queues has allowed me to save time in the mornings and that means more skiing or a relaxing breakfast. With my B-tag in my parker I was able to go straight to the lift and ride. Well done Mount Buller!

Mount Buller offers many activities for families, teens and adults looking for that total experience. I was fortunate to have a lovely meal at Breathtaker, amazing scallops and evenings at Pension Grimus, muffins and a great meal at Cattleman’s Café and many visits to the Apres Bar and Koflers for its exceptional hospitality, food and coffee. Buller’s $2 donuts are superb… and an affordable price. It’s the small things that count, such as the Buller taxi driver carrying bags down to the lodge. It’s these little things that bring me back to a mountain. I also enjoy speaking to the many young people who work at resorts as their feedback about their working conditions is important to me…

Cheers Nina


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Congratulations Belinda (4th Year Monash Student) : Ongoing Employment for 2013!

Congratulations Belinda from all staff, the PrepD children, parents and me. Thank you for your work, professionalism and we all know you will be an amazing asset to our profession and future leader!

Cheers Nina

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